Controls Kit #8


Controls Kit #8

from $30.00
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Modified Standard Wiring for Hybrid Sets featuring The Convertible for Bridge 

This controls kit consists of 1 500k audio taper push/push or push/pull, 1 500k audio taper, and 1 250k audio taper no load potentiometer. Use the push pot to actuate the Silent Split. Use the 500k pot for the middle tone. The 250k no load pot helps to balance the frequency response of the Convertible between normal and split modes. In normal mode, keep the tone pot at 10 to minimize loading. In split mode, kick in the 250k tone to appropriately load the lower output single coil mode. This set enables standard Strat® wiring with a master volume knob and two tone. As an option, substitute a 500k audio taper no load pot for the middle tone and wire it to the neck and middle.


  • Kit #8: (1) 500k audio taper push/push or CTS push/pull, (1) 500k audio taper, (1) 250k audio taper no load
  • Kit #8A:(1) 500k audio taper push/push or CTS 500k push/pull, (1) CTS 500k audio taper no load pots, (1) 250k audio taper no load  


Recommended for: Hybrid Sets utilizing The Convertible for Bridge.